
Base Setup

Zipfelchappe requires at least:


Zipfelchappe is used as a FeinCMS ApplicationContent. You need to have FeinCMS set up and working before you continue.

An authentication app is required as well and the sites framework must be active.

It is recommended to install zipfelchappe via pip:

pip install zipfelchappe

Add zipfelchappe to your INSTALLED_APPS:



zipfelchappe.translations is only required if you have a multilingual setup.

Now, add zipfelchappe to your feincms application content modules. This is usually done in your projects file:

Page.create_content_type(ApplicationContent, APPLICATIONS=(
    ('zipfelchappe.urls', _('Zipfelchappe projects')),

The next step is to define the content types you want use:

from zipfelchappe.models import Project


Content types are FeinCMS building blocks, that allow you to use any kind of content in your projects.

Richtext Editor

Zipfelchappe has been tested with TinyMCE 4. Use the correct init template:

FEINCMS_RICHTEXT_INIT_TEMPLATE = 'admin/content/richtext/init_tinymce4.html'

Payment providers

Depending on which payment provider you plan to use, add the following modules to your INSTALLED_APPS:


Payment modules also require you to add some urls to your root urls:

urlpatterns += patterns('',
    url(r'^paypal/', include('zipfelchappe.paypal.urls')),
    url(r'^postfinance/', include('zipfelchappe.postfinance.urls')),

If you wish to automatically charge your successfully funded projects you need to make sure that some periodic tasks get executed. You can do this with cronjobs, Celery or whatever you like.

Usually running these tasks every hour is a good idea.

Cronjobs will need to execute these commands:

./ paypal_payments

./ postfinance_payments
./ postfinance_updates

The task are also available as pure python function if you use Celery:




The last step is to configure zipfelchappe according to your needs. Here is a full example with all available configuration options, you can tailor them to suit your needs:

# Payment providers. Read more about this in the seperate chapter
    ('paypal', 'Paypal'),
    ('postfinance', 'Postfinance'),

# The currencies you can choose for projects (only 1 per project)

# Will try to use django comments if set to None

# Number of projects per page in project list

# Offers a flag if someone does not wish to appear on the backer list

# Similar to django user profiles, this allows you to store additional data
# to the backer model.
ZIPFELCHAPPE_BACKER_PROFILE = 'mybackerprofile.BackerProfileModel'

# Paypal provider settings
    'USERID': '',
    'PASSWORD': '',
    'SIGNATURE': '',
    'APPLICATIONID': '', # not required for testing
    'LIVE': False,
    'RECEIVERS': [{
        'email': '',
        'percent': 100,

# Postfinance provider settings
    'PSPID': '',
    'LIVE': False,
    'SHA1_IN': '',
    'SHA1_OUT': '',
    'USERID': '', # This is the Postfinance Direct Link API user
    'PSWD': '',   # and his password

# If a custom user model is used, define field names for first name,
# last name and email
ZIPFELCHAPPE_USER_EMAIL_FIELD = 'email'  # defaults to 'email'
ZIPFELCHAPPE_USER_FIRST_NAME_FIELD = 'given_name'  # defaults to 'first_name'
ZIPFELCHAPPE_USER_LAST_NAME_FIELD = 'last_name'  # defaults to 'last_name'